Monday, April 28, 2014

I awaken each morning feeling the promise of a new day and a new beginning. - Welcome to Monday the dawn of a new week!

HFC Daily Affirmation - I awaken each morning feeling the promise of a new day and a new beginning.

“Off all exercises walking is the best.” – Thomas Jefferson

Monday?  Have I ever met a Monday I liked?  I am not sure.  However, I did wake up this morning on time and in a better place than a week ago.  I have a feeling this week is going to be really good. 

I am excited about “Walking for Weight Loss” it is a nifty little app that combines Strava, my music, and workout journal all into one.  It will be a perfect complement to that I am already doing and the key is it has me moving every day this week, even if it is just for a little bit of time.  IT is a process a movement.  It gives me achievable goals every day J  That is a good thing!

I will still swim.  I will still ride.  I will still “Tri”.  However, this is a 12 weeks walk commitment, I started yesterday :D

Thinking really hard about giving up the red meat.  Yes, I know, I just said that.  I hate myself for it too.  However, having cow three nights in a row, makes me, a gassy, bloated beastie.  Just ask David and Rachel I smoked them out.  It was badness.  It sticks to me too.  I mean really bad. I can still feel it.  Ok, we won’t give up the holy cow, instead we will give up eating it three days in a row… 

Finally, let’s end Monday like this, don’t ask me why I found myself in front of my computer after my walk shirtless, but I did.  So, I snapped this picture of myself.  Thinking that someday I want to look like the picture below, but without the braided Goatee of course.  I think I can match the skin tone and long hair J  My beard is better too.  Instead of blue strips, I will have tattoos on each arm, one for the sun I worship, and one for the symbol for believe.  Dorothy said I looked not like a bad ass but a Sumo.  I think its b/c I am fat… :D

Trus me the dude below is a complete badass and I will be a big powerful bad ass just like him.  Just have a lot of walking, healthy eating, and mental imaging to do!

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