Tuesday, April 22, 2014

0 for earth day...

0 for earth day...

I have struck out this much since 2013 when u was invited to club!  My old boss thought I needed a plus one since it was offered.  That day I went 0 -  5.

The first at bat was a girl I was totally smitten with, but she said no :(. I think she thought I was joking.  I wasn't it.  Does she know I want to show her the world?   But that just the way of KA. 

The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th were hooters waitresses and they thought I was joking too.  Not sure why it's funny when a fat guy asks you to Hawaii.

The 5th a married women and her husband said "you are fucking crazy" at least she took me seriously.

Fast forward to today and I went 0 - 4 at the elevators of the office.  The first one showed the most promise and I battled with the pitcher on that AB.  Lots of foul balls and a few strikes called that were out of the zone.  I think she was flatters I chose to hit on her but it just wasn't in the cards. 

The conversation started like this:

Trying out my new line at the elevator:
"Happy earth day" billy b
"Oh is today earth day?
"Everyday is earth day baby!"

We chatted about BBQ and the weather.  She got on the elevator going down.  I was going up.  You see my delemia.  She left and so...

 I turned immediately around and said to some tall chick walking by.  "Happy Earth day!"  She just look at me like I was an idiot.  Like she hated the earth and didn't want to celebrate it. So that was 0-2 in one inning, that is just embarrassing.  

As I went to the earth day picnic I tried my line on the lady taking tickets for lunch.  She was polite but just had absolutely 0 interest in talking to me, but it did get a chat started and I tried!

Going back up the elevator after afternoon tea was a complete disaster.   No 26 year old chick is ever gonna wanna talk to me, especially when they are drop dead gorgeous and her skirts is an inch or two above the knee and has brown hair, green eyes and an ass that looks not appetizing than vanilla ice cream.  Hey but I took the AB again, gave it the ole college try.

0 - 4 but I played the game :)

My earth day lines might be cheese but it Still it works better than my last few attempts at office the whole "hi my name is Ken Ju!" Just never really took off with the ladies.  However I did bump into an HR Chica who used to work at the front desk for us and she was like telling the person I was interviewing that I was crazy and I had actually introduce myself to her as Ken Ju...  

Hahaha happy fucking earth day!  

I am not kidding either.  So many beautiful places on this rock, we need to love and appreciate them!


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