Saturday, December 13, 2014

What do you do when it doesn't go your weigh?

what does this man have a look of pure and utter confusion on his face?  

Well it's bc weight watchers says I am up five this week?  And I'm like WTF!  I didn't cheat!  Really!  I didn't cheat!  I ate my meals.  Logged my calories.  I'm looking back did I use to much relish and  mayo?  Is the dark chocolate in the cave man but snack not really paleo?  Did I not poo enough?  Did the game changing sun dey tomatoes have move of an impact than just taste?  

Honestly, I feel like my system might need to go again, you know the 2.  Also, I drank a liter of water before I went.  I did  drink at least 4 liters everyday this week and walked less bc of the storms.  

So I ask what do I do?  How do maintain?  Get back on track?  Well I stay the course.  I sink my mind into the other positives I've noticed.  The ease of getting in and out of the car.  The pants I wore yesterday that had been shelved for  over a year.  The fact I can get off the couch without a push off.  

The important thing is to remember the body is in shock.  The sugar is gone.  The wheat is gone.  The dairy is gone.  I just stay the course.  Keep cooking.  Keep walking.  Keep on keeping on!

We don't get discouraged we adapt. 

We just keep going!

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