Ribs from last night turned out pretty Great! They have great, great flavor! I mean it. They don't look like much but they have it where it counts and that is in the taste. My labor from yesterday turned out pretty darn good! I am stoked! Had a hearty dinner last night, and I have four meals already packed for the week ahead! Can't beat that.
However, I had very little time to rest and admire my ribs. That is because I had another project to be started today and the was my first pot roast. Now, look I won't like when I was at NetIQ I tried to make a pot roast once, out of a bag, but um, I ended up staying at work till midnight and it was well, um... I am not sure what it what when I got home but burned for sure. So... I am was working a 7 ingredient fresh Pot Roast, Paleo style.
- red onions
- carrots
- sweet tators
- Butternut Squash
- celtic salt
First let me say that I fucking hate Celtic Salt! I hate it because it his from. I mean it. It fucking hide form me. I stood searching for it for at least 20 minutes and I couldn't find it. I found Garlic Salt. Indian Salt. Mars, and Venus Salt. However, I never came across anything any Celtic salt. So I am googling the shit out of this to see if I can use another salt. Because honestly I know nothing about cooking and I am making it up as I go. So, if the recipe says Celtic Salt, then I use it. don't know why or how and I search and search for it and I don't find it. So, I give up so I can find cracked pepper...
- cracked pepper
I almost hat cracked pepper as much as I hate Celtic Salt. I searched every spice at lunardis looking for Cracked Pepper. I even came to the conclusion that cracked pepper was properly the whole peppers seeds that you get and then you have to grin them yourself. So, after looking at every spice, and they have a lot, it is an entire isle after all. I broke out my trusty cell phone telephone again, and I got ride of the Celtic salt search and started a search on just what in the fuck cracked pepper was. Well, it turns out that it is a fancy word for Coarse Ground Black Pepper and I knew that I had seen that. However, as soon as I realized that, of course I couldn't remember where I saw it, so I searched ever fucking spice again and finally found it.
As I am walking back to my cart, something, and I know not what, probably just my ninja reflexes, or my spiddy senses, told me to turn back and look down in the corner of the bottom most spice rack and behind the advertisement of some special sauce, and I will be damned if didn't find the Celtic Salt. I was really proud of my ability to find it. I think this is the difference between primal male and female. I honestly would have rather spend the 45 minutes in the isle trying to find the stuff, then ask for help and get in an out. I literally spent about 45 minutes looking for spices yesterday. I am not shitting you. I guess it is my love of doing things the hard way.
So, the first we did was add the red onions...
Then we touch our meat, oh and put it into the crockpot
Then we add the celtic salt (fucking celtic salt)
Then the fucking cracked pepper
Then we admire our meat... mmmm MEAT
add sweet tators
add carrots
holy shit we are getting pretty full... will the squash fit.... it was going to be close... good thing I have a carrot eating dog, so I took a few hands full and feed them to the puppy also we decided we are going to have to find another use for the mushrooms. There wasn't going to be room... fucking mushrooms... maybe i will saute them, i do have some left over bacon grease... hmmmm?
then added squash
Then boom! We had our first roast potted in Crock!
We set the mark for 6 hours and now... we spend the rest of the day thinking about our meat... well yes and no...
we celebrated our completion with a shot of greens
This stuff.. is the bomb. IT is like drinking sunshine in a cup and it has lots of fiber in it. It cleans the system really, really GOOD :D
Now it is time to make the ketchup and then onto a proper pot of chili... I am actually going to dice a jalapeno for that.. wish this guy... I am not sure what is scarier me with a knife or me messing with something that has hot seeds in it.
I will finish with this and believe by no means is this last or least! Happy Happy Day to Mom Carol, I love you and miss you Mom! I hope your day is really, really AWESOME and all you birthday wishes come true! You are the Best Mom Carol!
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