Sunday, December 21, 2014

Another day in the kitchen

Picture from last night...I felt pretty good after writing and all the cooking I did, and the apple computer has this Photo Booth thing and it popped up so I said why not... RNRF!

Not feeling as great today as I did yesterday, I am tired and have had a headache most of the day.   Right now the AFIB and/or BP, is acting up and I am just trying to whether it.  No, matter, just because I don't feel as good, doesn't mean I can't have a busy and productive day right?

The agenda for the day is simple, eat breakfast, feed dog, make a pulled pork, make turkey chili, make green smoothies for the week, make BBQ sauce, make carrots and cole slaw, and finally try to get in a bit of a walk.

So, I started off the day with an Ommie.  It didn't go as well as the last time.  I added a forth egg, and I think the pan was to small.  I can't seem to catch the magic of the first ommie I made for myself that look so perfect.  Also, today I saluted some onion and sun dried tomatoes to make it a little bit more yummy.  As you can see I broke it on the flip.  However, I went with Canadian Bacon today unstead of the real stuff.  I coming off bacon for a while.  I might come off the 51st state kind as well, depends on what my doctor says.

After I ate my ommie, which despite not looking to good, tasted great!!!!!  lots of flavor.  I decided I would rub my meat!

So, that is what I did!

That is a good rubbing right there..  I am still trying to get all the rub out from under my finger nails.  I laid those two lbs of pork rump on a diced onion and then set the slow cooker for 8 hours....  should be nice.

Then it was time to make chili.  I needed to dice a jalapeño.  Which, I did on my TV tray watching magnum, or was it the grinch.  I can't recall.  One of the two.  However, I think I got seeds all over and had to vacuum.  The thing is I didn't whip the table down and now my hands from resting on it, and what not are fucking burning on the outside, I think b/c there were seeds and jalapeño all around.

Anyway... making chili with turkey you don't get the nice dark look that a proper pot gives you and it is also does't get blessed with my moms secret ingredient, I mean after all it isn't a proper pot, now is it.  However, it was good chili.  I think as it settles over the week it is going to get hotter and hotter.  I didn't sweat when I ate my lunch, but I think Iw as getting ready too.

oh by the way you see that can opener, it is broken.  I have to go get a new one.  I am pissed, it broke on the first of three cans I had to open.  I got it to work on most the 2nd two, but the diced tomatoes I had to cut a whole in the lid and fish them out.  IT  was bad.... also I don't know to rotate on here.  I am going to walk over to OSH to get a new one. that will be my walk for the day, but I am very pissed it broke.

After lunch, I did the dishes, portioned out the chili  as you see above then I made my super food smoothie.  Kale, kale, spinach, and more spinach, blueberries, almond milk, and two bananas.

I can only make four smoothies in there... so, xmas morning we are having ommies!

After the pouring of smoothies, I admired my meat and photo graphed it

You can' t really see, but you should know it is cooking nicely.

when I get back from the store, I will bake my carrots, I think I am going to only do olive oil and some pepper... i might leave the honey off this time.

then make the sauce, without salt...

then make up the slaw...

and I am suppose to be resting today... no rest for the wicked as they say!!!

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