Monday, December 15, 2014

My first ommie and the short ribs that I pan seared.... what....

Another AFC South Championship!!!!!!!  GO HORSE!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that we have that out of the way.... I started off the day with a nice breakfast, but instead of going out for it, I did something new here for the very first time.  I made a fucking omelet.  Early this week I sent a friend an email saying I didn't know how to cook and egg.  So, I watched you tube... and today, I tried it for myself.  A nice 3 egg job!

I let the egg solidify and then gave her a flippid floppily floop.

I am a firm believer you can't have eggs with out BACON!!!!


Look, I even rolled the mother fucker up!

Then added my favorite Salsa!

Yum Yum....

Then it was time to down to some serious business:

So we took a little salt:

A little rosemary:

Garlic Powder:

Onion Powder:


Black Pepper:

Now we have a nice mix for a rub:

Also we have our crock pot assistances ready to go:

That is Balsamic V, Tomato Sauce, Crushed Garlic, Coconut oil and dried dates

And it is at this point i realized I was supposed to sear the meat... I didn't know what the fuck  searing meat really meant.  So I ran over to my MAC and looked it up, I tried to watch a you tub but the lady was to slow and not sexy at all.  So, I read the definition and rand back to the kitchen to keep up my work.  Only later would I realize it told me in the directions exactly what to do, but what can you do?

Then we admired our meat and the ribs too!

3 lbs of beef spare ribs!!!

Then we rubbed out meat:

with mix you twit!

We heated some coconut oil:

We looked over our meat one more time and thought about skipping the searing.

Then we seared:

IT was pretty easy after all.  

Then got our crock pot ready togo...  in hind site I wish I would have put the meat in first, but... oh well...

Added the tomato sauce and dried dates:

Added the Balsamic Vinegar 

A litte crushed Garlic:

Stir it all up:

Add your meat:

Let it cook for 6 hours:

Make some honey roasted carrots:

Make some honey roasted Squash with the left over squash from yesterday:

Portion it out:

Pack it away and your ready for the week ahead:

That is five meals meals of meat loaf, five sides of slaw, four short ribs with carrots, and four smoothies... also a thing of relish b/c it is good, and up top right that is a container of paleo bbq sauce  i made this weekend too!

fucking shit I am tired now... 

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