Monday, November 11, 2013

Worst Rest Day Ever! (Maybe the worst blog ever)

Worst Rest Day Ever!

Today was a rest day, I am actually take two a week.  Look I went from swimming maybe 2 or 3 times a week to five really fast, and I have more than doubled the distance, so cut me a break.  I am going to get up to time a week, but that won’t start until December.  One change at a time people, one at a time.     

I am really too tired to write.  I had a few things I wanted to say, but I can’t remember anything I wanted to say.     

I keep watching TV and it is bugging me; stupid Chuck finally showing up on Netflix. 

Long story short, my night didn’t go as planned.  It was simple, come home, BBQ a couple of turkey sausage, make some hash browns, write a blog. 

So, I get home. Turn start the hash, then go turn on the BBQ.  Go flip the hash, then go back to check on the BBQ and it’s out of GAS. Not good.  Then I get back into the house and I have burned the hash.  So, I think cooked the turkey sausage on the foreman.   I sit down to eat the sausage and I take a bite and they are awful.  So, instead I at buns with cheese and then a couple bananas. 

This blog sucks!  I am out… 2200 meters tomorrow night.  WAR ON!

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