Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Turkey! (100th Post)

Happy Turkey! (100th Post)

My 100th post / Turkey-day

This was supposed to be a big long emotional post, however, I'm going to try and keep this short and sweet because my laptop won't connect to the internet, I don't want to go in the office and I'm typing this on my cell phone tell phone with shiner trying to lick the face!

swam a mile this morning, first time I'm ever swam on thanksgiving day :)

So what am I thankful for?

Top five things?

1. Everything that has happened this year both good and bad because it led me in the path that I am now on. So I'm thankful for ALL of it!

2. I'm thankful for this blog. I've opened myself up so much and being honest about my food issues has been a great for me. All though I have not been 100% honest about my life as an open book. Something's are still to real and personal to share but I'm am 97.6% honest on here . 

3. Thankful for the pool! Love the pool! It is my natural habitat.

4. Thankful for all my friends! Everyone who has supported me! We are at the start of our war, but we are making progress!

5. Thankful for another chance! I'm lucky I have no real health issues right now. After all the hard living I've done and if you don't considered near death with an eating disorder and morbidly obese hard living, then you need to try it. Well don't bc it's hard. However bc of my friends and my own determination I'm starting again. I'm on the path of the beam. Heading to my tower! I'm going to do this and I'm thankful for this opportunity! I will do this bc I choose life! I choose to live the life I have dreamed of! I will succeed! As of today I take care myself. As of today I deserve a good life. I can do this! I will do this! I choose life!

Have great Turkey!

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