Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sweet November

It is hard to believe that November went out every bit as lovely as it came in.  Very hard to say it is winter or fall when you look at the Photo’s above.  Tomorrow it is supposed to be 70 degrees.  I am very lucky to live in San Jose, California.  Where else could I spend the last four days in November in the Sun, sunning and swimming?  Over the last five days I have swam 11,400 Meters.  That is pretty fucking sweet.  However, let me see if I can’t further boggle your noodle?  I set out to swim 52,000 Meters in Q of this year.  I have said that a few times on this blog.  However, I did the tally, and guess what, I swam 51,000 Meters in November alone.   That is outstanding, if I do say so myself.  51,000 Meters in November, over 23 swims, and averaging 2,318 meters a swim.   However, tomorrow we will talk about the spoils of war, and our December goal.  I was planning to swim more in November than December, but I will be in Indiana for five days and that makes it a little hard, as I won’t have as much pool time.  Anyway, what a great fucking month, I feel great heading into the end of year, much better than the last few years at this point anyway.  By the time I get to 2014 I am going to be heading in the correct direction instead of trying to dig myself out of a hole.  People, I am on the path of the beam.  The beam leads to the Dark Tower, and the tower is closer. 

Today’s swim was pretty tough, I am so sore and I was in the pool for 1:53:26. 

This is how it broke down and remember where it says butterfly, I swam breast.  Also, if not noted I rested 20 seconds between sets:

Category: Intermediate
Workout Goal:Develop all 4 strokes
Total Distance:2700 yards
  300 yards warmup mix of strokes
(use all 4 strokes)
  4 x 100 IM resting :30 between
(swim at a comfortable pace)
  4 x 100 IM kick only
(ok to use a kickboard on this drill but you do not have to)
  4 x 100 IM pull only
(either cross your ankles, or use a pull bouy to float your legs)
  2 x 100 IM sprints resting :40 between
(sprint each 100 IM and note your time)
  4 x 50 yards butterfly, resting :30 between
(swim each at a consistent pace)
  4 x 50 yards backstroke, resting :30 between
(swim each at a consistent pace)
  4 x 50 yards breaststroke, resting :30 between
(swim each at a consistent pace)
  400 yards crawl warmdown 
(swim slowly and relax)

Notes: This swimming workout concentrates on using all 4 strokes. Swim drills contain IM (individual medley) sets, and also sets of individual strokes. You will focus on improving technique during the drills where you only kick or only pull. In both of these drills it is your choice whether you use a kick board and a pull bouy or not. At this level it is recommended that you do not use swim paddles. However, if you are more experienced and doing this intermediate workout with greater strength and skill, then swim paddles

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