Friday, November 8, 2013

TGIF and I should note about last nights swim

first, i want to add a note about last nights swim... I was in the pool for one hour and forty-one minutes.  that's right... 1:41 minutes...   I was in the pool over the last three days for four hours and about 36 minutes... I am telling you people war is hell... and i am obsessed with swimming.  i have bought books, vidoes, and searched the internet for things to help me with my swim.

Thanks the old Gods and the new that is it is Friday and I have a rest day.... Tonight I have a date... with my couch and my blanket.  Sometimes, that is all we need is a little R&R. 

SO ... everyone have a GREAAATTTTTT Friday and enjoy your weekend, I will be fighting the battle of the twin 2500's.... also, trying to fall apart on the weekend.  I have done good this week.  have to keep it up over the week on the food front.

also have a date with my mac this weekend to finish up a couple of posts... have a good weekend!

Billy b

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