Saturday, November 23, 2013

2 p.m.

2:00 P.M.

I guess I was not exaggerating the last few days when I said I was tired.  I slept today until 11:30 or so… answered some emails and texts put my head back on my pillow and boom it was 2:00 P.M.  I was in bed last night by 10 as well. 

The good news I am well rested. 

The bad news is when Rachel gets here there will be 220 DVD’s on her bed.   Oh well, I have a couch. 

No matter what though… there will be a 2500 meter pyramid… most likely in the next two hours….  That is the most important part of my Saturday after all is my swim J


Happy Weekend folks… .even though I slept thru the start of mine :D

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