Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sloppy... F'ing sloppy all I can say

In war there will be battles your not proud of, battles you lose, and some battles you should lose but end up winning.  Or so I'm told.  I'm a fucking accountant what do I know about war except what I know from books and movies...  Today  I think I won but I wonder if I should have.  

We are down at the scale, that's good.

Then we went to get some supplies for the swims coming up this week and I don't think the body liked coconut water and vanilla stinger gels because I was awful in the pool today.  I had nothing and even though I cranked out another 2500 meters and did it a minute faster than a week ago it just felt all wrong.  I wasn't breathing good.  I was panicked, maybe the stinger honey shot had to much sugar and that on top of the coconut water mixed w three coffees this morning just made me feel all wrong.  I didn't settle into the swim until I was at the peak of the pyramid and that's to late.  Also, think I'm starting to have some sinus issues.  I'm gonna have to do better next week.  

I hate the fact it's 5 and the sun is almost down.  That's sucks.  Stupid winter, we hates it.  I mean after all I'm a creature of the sun.  It's ok, unlike last winter I'm not gonna gain 40lbs this one.  Nope I'm gonna go the other way.  I have foreseen it.  especially since sometime Tuesday or Wednesday of next week we are going to go over 52,000 meters for Q4 and over 100,000 yards for 2013.

Goals will be steeper in 2014...

I know I'm being hard on myself about the swim, but I should have felt better in the water today.  We all have days like today though I guess.  I know I'm better today than last week.  I know the tower is closer!

Stats on the 2500 meter pyramid 

Billy Burkle Swim for 2,500 m in 01:18:33 at a 00:00:47.13 25 m pace and at 1,909.61 m/hr

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