Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I'm back, busy few days

Good swim tonight.  Last few days have been crazy.  Nothing really new to report. Shiner and her owner have settled in and tonight they made some sweet tacos :0)

Got tomorrow off that will be nice.  Five day weekend instead if four sweet!  Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  It's the hand turkeys!   Or the fact you alwayS know your gonna have the four day weekend and good eats?

My turkey will be different this year bc there will be some swimming.  I've never swam on turkey day before.  So I'm gonna bang out swims on all five days off  or that is the goal :)

Well hope all is well and people who are traveling tomorrow have safe travels and everyone please Have Good Turkey if you don't hear from me :)

Billy Burkle Swim for 2,400 m in 01:31:24 at a 00:00:57.12 25 m pace and at 1,575.49 m/hr

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