Tuesday, November 5, 2013

1800 and life... or was it 2200?

 Apparently the website in which i picked add about as well as I do, becasue the swim was 2200.. add it up and you will get 2200.....  Also, I have to note that on the windsprints i didn't make it... on the crawl i had to take three breaths per lap, not one.  On the breastroke it took three or four... its a work in process...  The total swim took one hour and thirty-eight minutes....

I need to come up with a plan b/c I love to swim at night, but i get way to hungry... going forward, have to eat dinner before and then have a little snack or smoothie afte rthe swim.  10 P.M. is way to late to eat. 

Things are on the up...  
 The swim went as follows:
Total Distance: 1800 yards
  • 400 yards warmup mixed strokes
    (alternating crawl and breast every 50 yards)
  • 200 yards crawl stroke alternating lengths of pulling and kicking
    (alternate 25 yards pulling with ankles crossed, with 25 yards kicking with hands stretched out in front of you)
  • 8 x 50 yards crawl, on 1:00
    (count 3 kicks per arm stroke)
  • 200 yards breaststroke alternating lengths of pulling and kicking
    (alternate 25 yards pulling with ankles crossed, with 25 yards kicking with hands stretched out in front of you)
  • 8 x 50 yards breaststroke, on 1:30
    (focus on timing of pull, kick and glide)
  • 4 x 25 crawl windsprints, resting :30 between
    (swim length of pool on 1 breathe)
  • 4 x 25 underwater breaststroke windsprints, resting :30 between
    (swim length of pool underwater without coming up for air, doing breaststroke or a frogkick stroke)
  • 400 yards warmdown mixed strokes
    (alternating lengths of breast and crawl)
Notes: This workout focuses on crawl stroke and breast stroke. You will practice both pulls and kicks for each stroke, then swim the strokes with a focus on timing. Concentrate on your technique while you are swimming, don't just daydream and go through the motions. By thinking about your technique on the swim drills good form will become automatic for you.

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