Sunday, November 17, 2013

Another Twin 2500 Weekend....

Another Twin 2500 weekend….

Nothing really new to report… Today was a good day.   Got a lot of shit done around the house, drove out to get my jury summons (left it in Pleasanton), and swam.


I took 3 minutes and 40 seconds of last Sunday’s time.  You have to happy with that. 


Looking forward to another great week this week!!


Stats are as follows:


600 Freestyle (200 breaststroke, 100 Crawl, 100 Backstroke, 100 Breast, 100 Free)

200 Kick

2 x 200 Crawl  -  Easy

1 x 100 Crawl  – Hard

2 x 200 Breast  - Easy

1 x 100 Breast – Hard

200 Kick – hard

300 Pull

200 Freestyle



Billy Burkle Swim for 2,500 m in 01:36:22 at a 00:00:57.82 25 m pace and at 1,556.55 m/hr


I just have to keep remembering:

I can do this

I deserve this

Good things will happen to me

As of today I take care of myself

I will succeed…


And the Tower is closer

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