Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Hardest 2500

The hardest 2500

Been on a technology hiatus today.... Stupid phone been dead most of the day... The it was left in the bag until now... Gotta love being poolside, on November 2nd... The weather is almost as nice it was a few months ago. Anyway I'm total being a bum today and just clearing the mind. Or at least trying. Anyway... Today's swim the first if this weeks twin 2500's sucked ass...

I don't know if it's being 38, the 4500M already swam this week, or if it was the deep tissue massage but today's swim was the hardest I've had all year. It actually makes me scared of what tomorrow will bring when I go for the 2nd 2500 of the weekend. 

Things started off all wrong from moment I jumped in and noticed the dead spider curled up on the bottom of the lane. Look alive or dead the spider is a disgusting creature and we hates them and I will be damned to all the gods if you expect me to share a fucking line with one. So, I got my zoomer out if the swim bag and fished the thing onto the side of the pool. I have seen crabs with skinner legs than this motherfucker. So I proceeded to beat the spider with my zoomer until he was in 4 pieces. I looked up while doing this and Betsy the matriarch of the club was staring at me from her perch shaking her head. Great she had just started acknowledging me. Then, I notice the next lane opened up and I promptly moved further away from the dead spider. There fucking creepy.

The 2500 pyramid today was truly a battle. From the first one hundred I struggled. My body ached. I couldn't get fresh air into my lungs. My stroke, which I am famous for, what I got a good stroke, was awful. I was slapping the water. I was breathing every 2nd stroke. Worst of all the negative self talk started early and it talked often.

I was constantly critiquing my own stroke. My breathing. My rotating, I felt like I wasn't buoyant. My toes weren't pointed enough. Anything I could yell at myself for I did. The at the start of the final climb to the top Of the pyramid the 500 my iPod decides to tell me that it's low on batteries. Wtf... I was like ok... I'll just quit when it does die. I mean I can't swim without it right?

However I kept going and I started my assent down from the peak. The 400 on the way down was sloppy breathing every 2nd stroke. I was tired. I was hungry. I had to pee. I wanted out. I was done. But I swam on. I felt like u was barley moving and swimming thru quicksand not water. 400 became 300 leg and I swam on. I tried really hard to glide and strike right, but it was hard. I tried to breath only every forth stroke... AC/DC was rocking and 300 leg became the 200 leg... I had nothing. I was starving. So fucking tired. My head hurt. I had to pee. ACDC became Dire Straits and I stroked and it was hard on the third lap of the 200 the iPod went off. But I kept on going. 

I took it To then end. The very end.
I was amazed to find out my time was 7 minutes better than last week. I was down right astonished truth me told.
Still exhausted... Even now thinking what am to with myself now....

It's Saturday night and my bday weekend and I destroyed my time in the 2500.
Perhaps I'll go home and watch a flick... Or some Psych... I have more writing to do but that sounds like a Sunday job to me. So what to do what to do....

Anyway tough swim today... Good swim today... Another 2500 In the books...

And the tower is closer...

P.s.  Thanks to everyone who gave me birthday wishes!  Whether it be email, text, or Facebook!  I got the message and I'm honored you thought of me on my special day!  Just been so busy relaxing haven't issued any thanks yet!  I'm lucky to have so many awesome peeps in my life!

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