Monday, November 18, 2013

The ankle incident..... :(

I have to report in that I woke up with a really bad ankle pain this a.m.  Now, I would love to blame European Coblle stones, a linemen rolling onto it, or even my usual really week muscles in my left leg that leads to my ankle buckling from time to time on me, however, none of these things happened.  No, no, I woke up with a swollen sore ankle, not because of anything I did on dry land but what I did in the water.  I know, I know how do you hurt your ankle in the water you say.  Well you do it when every time you get to the wall you see that little water bug floating there waiting to bit you, and you his bit is not no please.  You know the water bug.  the one that looks like a jelly bean with to arms that seem to move three miles per hour.  The same one that when you see it out of water your like what the fuck is that thing.  Is that really what was chasing me around, b/c it looks like day and night in and out of the water. So after seeing this little bastard hanging out against the wall, I decided to try and judo kick it and smash it into the wall.  Not only did I miss, but I ended up kicking the wall really, really hard.  Now my ankle is totally swollen and totally sore.  It hurts to striaghten it and hurts not too.  I guess that is Karma and Ka getting me back for playing pranks last week, then again that could have been me leaving my Juror summons in Pleasanton and having to drive all the way out to get it yesterday only to learn, I was off the hook... anyway here is to a great week!!!!

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