Saturday, November 23, 2013

sloppy again... f'ing sloppy again...

It was a sloppy again… fucking sloppy.  I am not sure what is going on with my freestyle, but I think I might have the yips. Every time I to go swim the 2500 pyramid I swear I feel like I can’t breathe anymore.  I struggle to get into rhythm on anything over a 200.  My teeth are clinched.  My pulls are off.  I am breathing on ever other stroke because I am afraid I can’t breathe. 

To be honest I think I am pressing.  I think I am trying to hard every time I start the pyramid.  I eat time I feel the need to swim better and faster than I did on the last one.  I am unhappy just swimming the 2500 meters; I need to be longer in the water, better, faster on the turns.  It is almost like a sickness, the burning desire to move fast than I did just one week before.  However, if I don’t beat my time, then how could I possibly be making progress?  How could I possibly getting better?  Now, this sounds even more ridiculous when I have only been up for a few hours after a marathon sleep and I had two slices of pizza from Costco to eat.

I finally slowed myself down in the middle of my 500 and made myself swim at a snail’s pace.  I made myself pull my head out of the water on each turn.  It made it a little bit easier.  I finished but it was hard.  

When I finally finished I was 2 minutes slower than last week…

I swam it but I think I am going to drop the pyramid from the routine.  The goal is to push me, but not at the risk of hating the swim that I am doing.  Right now I don’t love the pyramid.  However, I have to figure out what is going on that is impacting the breathing.  I need to get back to relaxing and enjoying myself on longer freestyle swims. 

Anyway, I think I am going back to bed.  When I get up I will have a roommate…    

Billy Burkle Swim for 2,500 m in 01:20:02 at a 00:00:48.02 25 m pace and at 1,874.22 m/hr

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