Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Page 61

Book of 2016
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Keeping it on a lighter note today.  My company is lucky enough to have a box for the Warriors.  I think I told you that last year, I was lucky enough to go to Game 1 of the finals!!  It was an awesome experience, one I won't ever forget.  Today the championship ring came.  My God what a beautiful ring!  I would look pretty bad ass wearing that around all day.    Unfortunately, I just got to try it on and get my photo taken with it!  Still really cool!

Today was a good day!  Day 1 of not eating sugar again, and I have done pretty well.  I turned down donuts at a company meeting, cookies, bbq sauce and an assortment of other items today.  We will see if we are able to do the same thing on the way home tonight.  I don't think it is going to be a problem.  I got some chicken fajitas meat at home, some other good foods I cooked.  Also had a great walk this a.m.  Gonna get up again tomorrow and do it again.  =)  I think walking each morning is key to when I stop eating the sugar, it makes me feel good about myself and it is good for me.

All right I am off!

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