Sunday, March 13, 2016

Page 73

Book of 2016
 - Page 73 - 

Busy day today.   First, I hate the fucking time change.  I think it is just the dumbest thing ever.  Anywho... that has nothing today with my busy day.  

I cooked all day long.  Started with making fried rice, it's a weight watchers recipe I found to make in the slow cooker.  I made some modifications i added spinach.  I thought it was a great way to get some greens.  

I also made some beef stroganoff weight watcher style.  I am not to pleased with how the stew meat in that cooked up, but tomorrow after lunch I will tell you if it was good or not.  

I also made a rump roast, I intend to use for sandwiches, it is another weight watchers receipt.  I picked recipes that didn't have fat free and low fat shit in them.  Just whole foods with veggies.  The sandwiches come complete with caramelized onions, and sauteed bell peppers. 

I just wouldn't be a weekend if I didn't whip up some muffins.  I went with a banana, almond butter, and green apple mix.  They looked like they turned out really good.  

Then for dinner we whipped up a couple of homemade pizzas.  Now watching some tv and getting ready for the week coming up.

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