Thursday, March 3, 2016

Page 63

Book of 2016
- Page 63 - 

I slept in this am.  I woke with an ear ache and just wanted to get some extra rest.  I have no time for sickness this month!  No no no!  To many people I know are going down right now!  So know I have a little extra time this am. I stayed in bed. Which means when I got up I didn't walk.  Which I just told myself it was ok I'll do it later.

I got to work and work was going nuts!  I didn't even have time to feel my water bottles.  It was just one thing after another.  So, when my buddy Meghan stopped by and I begged her to get me some water, I didn't feel to bad bc I just was slammed!

However, I did feel a little bad when she asked me if I walked this a.m. And I said nope slept in this morning.  She was like ok so your going at lunch.  I was like no later.  Oh so when you go home?  I realized then not only did I not have a plan to walk, I think I was planning on not walking at all.  This wasn't anything at the for front of my mind or anything it just was something I think I decided when I felt a little sick this morning.  I felt sort of shitty about that too.

So, when a co-worker bailed on me for lunch (forgot mine at home).  I knew what I had to do.  If I was gonna get food, I was gonna have to walk for it.  So that is what I did and that is how I ended up have some sashimi for lunch today.  Is never had mad fish sushi across from office  but it was good.  I also turned the walk here into a 20 minute walk I missed this am. It is at least ten doing a straight shot back!  So I'll end up getting 30 in today! Which is a little Bette than if I'd just gotten up when I should have :)

So thank Meghan for motivating me to get moving!  Bet you didn't even know u did that :D

Feeling pretty good now and ready to head back to the office!!

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