Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Page 75

 Book of 2016
 - Page 75 -

Brent's Tale Continued from Page 65:

The next night Brent waited around by the phone expecting Vicky to call.  She never did.  He told his mom he was going to Joan's, who lived down the street and would be back later.  Joan was a party girl that hung out with Vicky.  She was also one of Brent's good friends.  They would always meet half way in-between each other’s houses and have a couple of smokes. 
            When he got there he found out that he did not have a lot to say.  They smoked cigarettes and watched Guns "N" Roses on MTV.  Brent was not in a very social mood.  Then Julie's fun rang. 
            "Julie, what is going on?"  It was Vicky.
            "Not much just watching TV, with Brent on some of the other guys."
            "Is Brent pissed at me?"
            "I do not think so, he had not said anything about you." 
            "Let me talk to him." 
            "Hey kid, I am at the mall, then we are coming over.  I we can hang out."  She told Brent when he picked up the phone. 
            "Sounds like fun” Brent said full of sarcasm. 
            Vicky caught it and took offense to it.  Then Brent heard a voice in the background that he did not recognize. 
            "Who was that?"  Brent asked.
            "It was one of Jesse's friends."  She said.  "I will she you really soon. "  She said hanging up the phone. 
            Vicky hung up the phone and looked at Steve and explained to him her situation.  He told her that he understood and that she should go talk to Brent.  They parted telling each other to get a hold of the other.  Vicky and Jesse left the mall and got picked up by Vicky's dad who was in town from Louisville for Christmas. 
            Brent was confused and a little pissed off at Vicky.  What was she thinking treating him like this?  He walked outside with a friend from the click.  They each lit a cigarette and began to talk.
            "Is Vicky coming over."  His friend said.
            "Yea, I guess." 
            Just then a car pulled up and Brent and his friend heard some voices giggling.  It was Vicky and Jessie. 
            They walked through the back gate and saw Brent and his buddy standing their smoking cigarettes.  Vicky walked up to Brent and asked him to come inside.  He blew smoke in her face and told her he would rather stay outside and smoke.    She said whatever and walked inside.  Brent looked at his friend and said.
            "Fuck that, I am out of here."  Then he began to walk out of the gate.  Vicky was now coming back outside in her same trench coat she had worn just a week earlier.  She hurried and tried to catch him. 
            "Brent" she said standing at the gate.
            He turned and looked at her, but found nothing to say.  At the same time he turned around a car pulled into the driveway.  It was Vicky's dad.
            "See ya around."  Brent said pulling out another cigarette and turning and walking down his street.  Brent was now pissed and he knew that he wanted to turn around.  He had a million things to say and wanted to say them all, but instead he kept walking. 
            Vicky turned and got into her dad's car.  She was upset and did not say a word the whole way home.  She walked in the door and tried to call Brent, but the line was busy.  He had taken the phone off the hook. 
            It was now a day later, December 23.  It was Brent's oldest sister's birthday and he would go out to eat with the family.  They had a really nice dinner and then went back to his place and opened her presents.  Brent just hung out and took in all the family's joy.
That is when the phone began to ring. 
            "Brent what's up?"  Vicky said.
            "Nothing, sorry for the way I acted last night."
            "Don't worry about it.  We need to talk."  How Brent dreaded those words. 
            "Go ahead." 
            "I do not think that we should date, I want to be friends like we use to be." She said  " I love you and you mean the world to me, but it is not going to work."
            "Friends Hun."  Brent responded. 
            "That is OK isn't?"  She asked, hoping with all her heart that he would agree.  She did love him and never wanted to lose the friendship they had built, but she her feelings for him had changed and she could not lie to Brent about that.  Somehow she knew though that Brent would not be OK with any of this.  He had changed ever since their date.  He was no longer the friend she had cherished.  He was sad and moody, not carefree and fun.  He had his moments but for the last two weeks he was no longer being her friend, but trying to be her boyfriend.  He thought he could make her life perfect and would not leave things he could not change alone.  He wanted to be in on every aspect of her life, he was smothering her.  She appreciated his kindness, but could not stand his attempts to make things work.  Before things were carefree and wonderful, but now they were awfully unpleasant because they were trying to make something work that seemed unnatural to her.  How could she be with someone that she was not comfortable around, because he was trying to make her life perfect?  How one night could change so many things?
            "What did I do?  I mean things were working weren't they?  What can I change?"   Brent pleaded.
            "Nothing Brent, it is not you it is me.  I do not want to date anyone right now; I just want us to be buddies.  Why isn't that good enough for you?"
            "Because I love you."
            "No, you do not, you only think you do.  Brent you are not listening to me."
            "Yea, I am and I do not understand any of this.   Is there some one else?"
            "No I am going out with anyone else.  I did meet someone, though.  But me and him are just friends." 
            "Friends like us, huh?" 
            "Brent, why are you being like this."
            "Being like what?" 
            "Why is this so complicated?"
            "Because you are dumping me!"
            "Brent I am not dumping you, I am trying to safe our friendship!"
            "Whatever!"  Brent said unemotionally.  "I have to go, it is my sister's birthday.  Have a great Christmas."
            "Bye."  She said hanging up the phone.  She was upset, but what could she do; she was doing the right thing.  Brent and she were friends and that is how they should stay, that is how they were both happy.  She was determined not to give up on Brent; she never would give up on Brent and his friendship. 
            Brent hung up the phone and put his head in his hands.  Why am I so fucking miserable he thought to himself?  What in the fuck did I do?  He eyes tried to tear, but he would not let them.  What had he done so wrong?  How could he hold her affection one-day and turn it off the next?  How could she like him one day and he does something so wrong that she no longer cared?  He had a million questions and never got one answer.  He was a loser, he thought.  How could he screw up his one chance with Vicky?  He laid down that night and thought of her and how he could change to make her happy. 

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