Monday, March 14, 2016

Page 74

Book of 2016
 - Page 74 - 

Today is national pi day and next to "22" pi is my favorite number. Although it is really more of a mathematical constant than a number?  Is that right?  I don't know I am not a mathematician.  I just like pi.  Not the only the number but also the dessert, but that is a different type of pie.  Now I am just confusing myself.  Slow day for being creative I guess.  Happy Pi day!  Had a great weekend and Monday is off to a great start!  Down 1.7 pounds over the last two weeks, maybe because I have abstained from pies?  Who knows?  Anyway I can relate to the Pi picture above, I also never hear my full name unless Mom is pissed at me and I am in big trouble. 

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