Friday, March 4, 2016

Page 64

Book of 2016
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Crazy day today. Had limited time in the office today b/c I had to go get my teeth cleaned.  I hadn't been in over a year.  I am annoyed b/c my wi-fi is sucking it up at home right now.  Oh well, we will work on that tomorrow. I think for now  am just going to sit on my couch and watch the rain.  I hope it rains more, not b/c I want it to but because we need it in California. I had a such a good week overall.  I was positive, I had some stumbles, but it happens. I ate all my meals at home.  Which is a huge start in the right direction.  I mean I prepared my meals.  Well, except sushi yesterday, I keep forgetting about that one, but I ate really fish, so I am at peace with that meal.  This weekend is the challenge. I think it is really hard to eat paleo on the weekends.  I love having a nice sandwich for lunch on the weekends.  However, I am off the bread, so sandwiches are out.    I am back at Weight watchers meeting tomorrow.  I think fellowship is key.  I am really thinking about going to OA.  I need it. I need to find more support and fellowship. I know how to eat, I know what to eat, I just make excuses not to do it. However, we are getting better at that, better all the time.

Doc Update:  He got his chemo port today.  He will start treatment next week.  Fingers crossed that it won't make him to sick. I am keeping a really good attitude about this, I know it is going to work and he is going to be on the mend!  After all I found this great  jpg on line today. 

  Have only positive expectations, I like that! 

Well, I am gonna jam... Hope you have a wonderful Friday night!  Get a good start off to your weekend, I know I am with a little WW and a little walk or swim.. have not decided. That will depend on the rain. If it rains we swim, I love to swim in the rain.  I don't know why I just do!!!   either way it will be a killer work out after a great meeting, then it will be time to figure out next weeks menu and relax!!!  HAPPY FRIDAY

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