Saturday, March 12, 2016

Page 72

Book of 2016
- Page 72 - 

Well page 72started off with the puppy snuggling  up to me this a.m.  It is always a good way to wake up with some snuggle with the puppy.  Then I got up and it was breakfast time. 

I started with some fresh spinach and coconut oil.

Then I added some onions. 

Then I did some sauteing. 

Then I got the four eggs whisked!

1/4 cup Salsa.  I use Casa Sanchez because it is the best salsa. 

Then shredded Mexican cheese.  I got it at Whole Foods, 1/4 cup. 

No idea what the heck happened here. 

Then worked up four sausages. 

I added the eggs to the spinach and onions.

Do a nice little scramble action. 

I put the salsa in. 

Bam!  Had some nice Eggs. 

Again not sure what this was. 

Sausage was done. 

Nice looking breakfast?

Why not add some tortillas!

And we have a little breakfast  soft taco!!!

I only ate half the eggs, and now I have breakfast for tomorrow. 

Puppy got a ride in the car.  We didn't hit any drive thru's just a nice little ride.  She loves to ride in the car.

And check things out.

After breakfast and taking puppy for a ride. I hit the pool.  I cranked out 800 yards.  I sat down and started a new story.  I am 2000 words in.  I am pretty excited about that.  Now, I am just chilling out, and getting ready for bed.  I have a busy day tomorrow of cooking. Making three new meals.  I am pretty excited about them. 

Anyway hope your Saturday is great!

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