Saturday, March 5, 2016

Page 65

Book of 2016
 - Page 65 - 

Brent's Tale Continued from Page 58:

It was Monday and Brent had not talked to Vicky since Saturday night after they dropped her off.  She had called him that night and thanked him for a wonderful time and said she would talk to him, if she got back in time from her volleyball game on Sunday. 
Obviously she had not gotten home in time, because she had not called. 
            Brent walked to his locker; he was in great mood.  He was coming off a great date with a girl he really likes.  He opened his locker and there was something in the top of it.  He pulled it out and it was a red rose with a card attached. 
            "Sorry for stepping on your flowers!  Love Vicky” Brent smiled, he was now very content, he thought his life was perfect!  He had captured the heart of his best friend.  She too had captured his heart.  The possibilities were endless and Brent was ecstatic. 
            The next week went by like all the others; Brent and Vicky would chat on the phone and at school and appeared to be happy.  Some of Brent's friends would tell Vicky that she would just dick him over. He was mad at them but did not show it.  The following weekend was rapidly approaching and Vicky told Brent she was going to a party with some of her girl friends on Friday night, but maybe they could go out on Saturday. 
            Brent went bowling with his friends that night and smoked some cigarettes.  He trusted Vicky, she cared for him, and there was no worry.  The click was playing pool and Brent was smoking.  When one of the guys made a comment about Vicky going out whoring.  Brent blew it off he was very confident in her.  He was really annoyed with the click and wished O' Riley and Tony had not gone out of town.  He needed some new friends. 
            Vicky was out with her girlfriends and was kind of annoyed with the crowd she had taken her out with.  They were a group of high school guys from across town.  They were all wanna be gangsters and thought they were gangsters although they were all white.  They were very rude and loud, but they were kind of fun.  Mostly she was bored and felt bad that she had not done something with Brent.  Well, that was how she felt at first.
            She was talking with Tara when a few new guys showed up.  They seemed more normal and seemed to be less rowdy. 
            "How are you ladies tonight, I am Jerry."  One of the guys said. 
            "Fine."  Tara replied.
            "Hey guys, this is Steve."  Jerry introduced his friend. 
            Vicky and Steve eyes meet and locked in on one another, then she looked down and her heart was gone.  Steve was medium build and had long brownish hair.  He wore glasses and dressed pretty smoothly.  He was very nice looking and had a boyish charm to him much like Leonardo DeCaperia. 
            "Hi, I am Vicky."  She introduced herself. 
            Steve and Vicky talked the night away.  They parted trading phone numbers and with Vicky falling for him.  She went home that night and thought about Steve. 
         She got off her bed and was walking around her room when she found a picture from her sixth grade year.  The Picture was taken at an elementary school function the night she had started dating her first real elementary school boyfriend.  Or at least the first boy that called her very night and would talk to her.  That boy was Brent Baldwin and then she remembered him and felt terrible.  How could she possibly forget him?  She was now confused and inquired help from her big sister for help, but Lisa could not help her.  She did not need advice she needed a way to let Brent off the hook easy and know one could help her do that. 

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