Sunday, June 1, 2014

301st... Back to the pool.

301st... Back to the pool...

It's hot in San Jose... I'm sweating like a pig.  I need windshield wipers in my glasses.  Of course I'm pool side soaking up as much sun as I can.  I'll walk later today before El Beav shows up for thrones tonight.  I'm excited HBO knows how to do a fight, so I'm super excited about tonight, the fact I know how it turns out doesn't tarnish that at all!

Did a nice swim already today: 1225.  It was a pyramid of Boobstroke.  I love how my iPhone recognizing that as a word now: Boobstroke auto fills on my phone :). I felt good in pool.  Best I've felt in a while.  Excited to start 2-A-Days this week, after all it's June and June does mark the start of triathlon season.  I'm committed to my walk regiment.  Week six starts tomorrow but I'm also committed to my swimming.  One of these days we will bike again.  This I promise ye.  I'm going to tri and swim Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights.  Come home walk, then bang out a 1200 pyramid in the pool.  Both will be auto posted to Facebook, so I'm trackable.  For June we are going to try and get 10 2-a-days in and each session be at least 1/2 hour of walking and 45 minutes pool time. 

Today's pool stats are:

William Swim for 1,225 yds in 00:49:00 at a 00:04:00 100 yds pace and at 0.85 Miles/hr

So we are half way there today!

I need good juju tomorrow so send it my way please!  Need good vibes...  

Ok, I'm sure you are as bored by this blog as I am now!  Peace out!  Have a Great Sunday and get ready for another super week starting tomorrow!

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