Saturday, June 21, 2014

My first 10k (6 miles) in a while

Wow... I forgot how much it could take to walk 6 miles.  I am beat, my feet hurt, my camel back rubbed my arms raw.

However, I feel fucking AWESOME!

That is the truth.

I feel good....

The final times are below.  I was walking about 2.9 mph.

If you pull that across 13.1 miles, I am going to fail miserably at Star Wars half marathon,however, we have 200 days and we are thru half the distance.

Since I started walking 8 weeks ago, I have walked 60 miles, for a total 22 hours.  That is pretty fucking good if I say so myself.

I have done at least two walks per my program every saturday for the last three saturdays.  I'll take it.

Ill fucking take it...

shit have to go order some sports shield now before I forget...

Great walk today... we will get better and keep walking!!!!

  • 6.0mi
  • 2:04:14

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