Monday, June 9, 2014

No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try.

 No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try. 

I think Disney might be the greatest pimp of all time.  They are doing their damnedest to hour out Star Wars are every possible opportunity.  I am not going to lie, as a guy who very first memories of life are Star Wars commercials; I have to “Please more!” and “Thank You!”  Truly since I read that Lucas was giving up control of his baby, and that Disney would release Episodes VII, VIII, and IX I have been running around with a semi.  However, what I saw today on the World Wide Web might have me more excited than anything else. 

Run Disney in conjunction with Sierra Nevada will give us the Star Wars Half Marathon in early January of 2015.  You are talking about combing one of my all-time favorite stories with one of my all-time favorite sporting events. 


How in the fuck could you possible go wrong?  I ask you?  How?

At this point in my live the only thing I could think of that would be better is if they had a Game of Thrones Triathlon and anyone who didn’t finish would have to serve time up on the wall.  Ya, that might be a little better. 

Or perhaps even better than either of those would be a Dark Tower Bicycle Tour.  You would leave from mid-world and ride to end-world along the path of beam.  All finishers would be treated to Gunslinger Burritos and Tooter Fish Popkin’s. 

Yes, I am a fucking nerd and love every minute of it.  Speaking of which what other marathon do you know that has a teasor trailer and a crawl (for you none Star Wars fans that is the yellow wording that crawls across the screen at the beginning of each episode)!!!

Check that out here:

Fucking Radical Right!!

However, there is an issue.  Time limit.  In order to do the event you have to have a 16 mile per minute pace.  Last time I checked I was just at 20 minutes per mile.  I have every intention of walking every day from now until then, all 219 days between.  However, can I actually shave 4 minutes off my time by then?  I don’t know.  However, I think I have to Try right?  Who knows if every other Star Wars nerd is as excited about this as I am, then perhaps I won’t even get in, but I have to Try.  I know what Yoda would say.  He would say “No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try.”  In most cases I would agree.  This is a huge undertaking.  I will spend tonight meditating and ask the force for guidance. If Ka wills it, then it shall be done.  I am 99% sure I will sign up not matter what.  Did I tell you it has its own trailer?

Anyway… Did I ever tell you about the time I got drunk and tried to get a job at Lucas Digital Limited, LLC. 

It was me and Ison and it was on fucked up night… but....

I know sometimes I just wonder what other stupid things I did when I was at the bottom of the bottle of a Jim Beam or one to many Coors Lights?

I think I was under several bottles of the second when I decided that Lucas Films would love to have a financial analyst who would send them a resume in Yoda speak. And ya I sent it.... wonder why I never worked for Lucas????

Some things just shouldn't be done or attempted when booze is involved. 


To Hiring Manager:

The opportunity as Production Accounting I would like. Opportunity I am looking for it is. Confidant I am three busy seasons in public accounting, along with drive and enthusiasm, would enable me to make a significant contribution to your organization.

Lucas Digital Limited, LLC and my Analytical, communication, and leadership skills great match can be. Work successfully in a team environment or independently as the situation may warrant I do. Proficient in Microsoft Office Professional I am. Strong commitment to learning new and exciting software packages, I have.

Welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and your needs, I do. Contact me on my cell phone or at home (415) 242-9301, you will. Thank you for your consideration.


William Burkle

Attachment: Resume

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