Monday, June 16, 2014


Today is a good day.  Today, I was standing outside of Zachery’s after the welcome lunch for our new financial analyst talking to my Mom.  My eyes welled up with tears, and I am pretty that one from each eye started to break thru my rapidly clenching eyes.  Does that mean the levee broke?  No, because I never actually felt them run down my face.  So, I will say the levee is still unbroken.  However, I feel more human today than I have felt in a long time.  Things are all good.  All things are good.  A huge burden has been lifted from my mind.  Now I can go back to focusing on myself and focusing on the path of the beam. 

Rocked my two workouts yesterday and I will rock my walk this evening before I head south.  Forty minute walk, I got this.  Not a problem.  Not even a little bit.  I have come so far walking in the last seven weeks. 

I am going to start listening to the Gabriel Method again tonight.  I need to be even more positive and focused than I am right now.  I need to re-burn the image of who I want to be in my mind.  It is time.  It is time to move.  It is time to go.

Today is a good day and it is a Monday.  So, wow the world is really changing.  I remember when my old boss used to have me work at home because he hated how much of a bad vibe I gave off no Mondays.  So no, I am still not perfect, and I still got in a half hour late today.  But I am better.  That is all we can ask for isn’t it.  To be a little bit better than we were before. 

Also, it is good to know that I have the three amigo’s watching over me:  Buddha, Boba Fett, and Vader, Dark Lord of the Motherfucking Sith.  I really think that trio has the potential to be the start of a great joke.  However, I am not a joke writer, and any good pun I have ever made has been on accident. 

I can see it now, my stand up show debut with “Have you seen this?" or "Have you heard about this?"

Buddha, Boba Fett and Darth Vader are drinking in a bar when a drunk comes in, staggers up to them, and points at Boba Fett who is in the middle, shouting, "Your mom's the best sex in town!"

Everyone expects a fight, Buddha leans over and puts his hand on Boba and says just ignore him violence is the answer, so the drunk wanders off and bellies up to the bar at the far end.

Ten minutes later, the drunk comes back, points once again at Boba Fett, and says, "I just did your mom, and it was sw-e-et!"  To which Vader turns to the man and starts to force choke him for messing with his favorite Bounty Hunter, until Buddha puts his hand on Vader  and reminds him that violence is not the answer, and the drunk gasping for breath after being released by Vader goes back to the far end of the bar.

Ten minutes later, he comes back and announces, "Your mom liked it!"

Finally Boba Fett is feed up with all interruptions and turns to the man and says "Dad! You're drunk on Jawa Juice and we both know I’m a fucking clone, so go home. "

Ya, I wasn’t meant to write jokes…

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