Thursday, June 12, 2014


As many of you know the Star Wars Half Marathon is really important me for a number of reasons.  First and foremost is it is a sense of being a live again.  Having a purpose that isn’t work related.  Having a goal that is going to be really hard to attain, but yet it is still attainable.  Second, it is fucking Star Wars man! 

I have been a Star Wars my entire life.  My first living memories are Star Wars commercials.  I knew from the moment I first saw it I was hooked.  My Mom loves to tell the story about when she took us to see Star Wars and I instantly went into a trance.  I sat on her lap and stared at the screen and didn’t make a sound. I just sat there and watched the movie truly taken to a galaxy far, far away.  I was so still and quiet, that she kept asking me if I was ok.  Trying to get my attention, but I was gone. I was so into the movie.  She finally said to me Billy you answer me right now or I am taking you out of here.  I turn and was “What do want Mom!” and turned back and watched the movie. 

So, I have to go to this Marathon.  I have to. It is combining my favorite things in life Star Wars and Endurance sports.  When I was telling my Mom about the Half she was yes, you have to go, that is so neat.  That is so you! 

I will be honestly; I am excited to go see the characters.  I keep seeing these pictures with me and Chewbacca on this blog.  First, it is me and Chewie standing side by side, or even hugging.  Then I put my hand out to slap me five and then I pull my hand back is the 2nd photo.  The third photo is me doing my best Lando Calrissian impersonation because I am on my knees with Chewie choking me out, just like the end of Empire because I wouldn’t give him five.  I also see me in front of a firing squad of Storm Troopers.  Finally, Darth Vader and I are playing Air Guitar as we stand over the mutilated corpse of Jar Jar Binks. 

I know a lot of people will be Star Wars’ing up for the Race too.  I imagine on the course I will see at least 1 Boba Fett, 3 Vader’s, 9 Han Solo’s, 12 Storm Troopers, 15 Wookies, 18 Yoda’s, and 30 Leia’s, and 45 Slave Leia’s and I will personal judge a contest after the race on the hottest Slave Leia. 

The truth there aren’t a lot of Characters I can dress up as.  Well real characters anyway.  I know what comes to everyone’s mind first: Jaba the Hutt.  Ha, Ha.   It fits he is large, and I am large.  I mean like 99.9% of all people I am a huge Fett fan.  I loved Boba.  Jango was cool, mis-used, but cool.  Now, I have always said if I was a Fett, I wouldn’t be Boba or Jango, I would be Jumbo Fett.  Still, he isn’t a real character.  So what am I to do?

I want to be part of this Race!  I want to be a real part of it, and dress up and have fun.  So, after scouring the Star Wars Universe, I finally found someone that I can be.  I am 99% sure I won’t see another one out on the course.  I am going to be Porkins!

Watch Here:

Stick with this till the family guy portion:

I have even found how I can get to this costume:


I can get a shirt from here:

Shorts from here:

I am still looking for a helmet which will be attached to my camelback.  I am not wearing no helmet 13.1 miles. 

Now I will need to find someone to help me get these two items on my shirt…


And then boom!  I am Porkins! 


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