Friday, June 13, 2014

She will be missed…

“She is a good woman, looks great, and god she has a great rack!”  Billy b, Blog: She will be missed

I am going to drop her off today.  It’s really hard to say good bye, but sometimes she has to go.  We have been together since December of 2005.  I was impressed by her beauty, and power from the day I met her.  She might not look like much but she had it where it counted.  She took me to Humboldt County three times.  She took me to Tahoe.  She took me to Reno.  She took me north, south, east and west.  In 2008 I got her an upgrade and gave her a new rack.  I admit it, her rack wasn’t natural.  It was bought.  However, it became a natural part of her and it was beautiful.  She was often complimented on her nice rack.  I will never forget the hung over morning in Santa Cruz when I got out getting coffee and the toothless hillbilly who parked next to me was “Wow that sure is a nice rack!”  I have never been prouder of her.  Then another time I was in BR with my wives and she was patiently waiting outside.  A man in the business of giving people new racks says to me, wow that is a really nice rack.  She always did get compliments on it.  Whenever I needed to find her, I just looked for her rack.  She was/is a very special lady.  I took good care of her too and when something went wrong, I always to spend money on her to make her better.  When I got a younger and smaller version, I was not afraid to share her with friends when they needed her.  I passed her around so she could give them great service too and she did.  One dude even was with her for four months.  She is a good woman, looks great, and god she has a nice rack!  However, I have moved on, and now it is time to give her up.  So she can have the freedom she deserves and the life she deserves.  She wasn’t meant to sit around and wait for me.  She wasn’t meant for one a week chats.  She is a fine woman and deserves to be treated a lot better than what I can give her now.   It’s really hard to tell her good bye.  It’s really hard to take her to Morgan Hill.  However, I have to let her and her amazing rack go.  I just do.  So, thank you Pala.  Thanks for everything.  Thanks for all the memories, the nice rack, but most of all always getting me where I needed to go.  You will be missed.  I have never had a car quite like you and never will again!

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