Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Vote: Do I send or not Send - Gabe said it was whiny - Proper Parking Lot Etiquette for EV's

Hi Jenee:

Can you please share this with the rest of the people who charge if you think it is appropriate?  For the third time in the three times in the last two weeks my car has been unplugged and the charger door has been closed so that no one else could plug me in.  Today, whoever did it, didn’t even plug their car in, they actually put the charger back up on the charging station.  I am not sure who I wronged in the charging spots, but apparently I did wrong someone and I am sorry for that.  I try to practice good parking lot etiquette myself, but sometimes, I have no idea if a car has been charged or not, so if I take the plug to early, what can I do, other than apologize as I am doing here.   I plugged my car in at noon today.  By 2 it was unplugged and not charging.  I stormed down stars to unplug another car and plug mine in because I was frustrated;  as I got ready to unplug another car that wasn’t there as I started my accent down from the 5th floor, I had a change of heart and realized I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t do the same thing to another EV car.  I got really lucky because the car next to me was charged by then and I got to plug in.  I am paranoid and checking my phone app every ten minutes to make sure my car doesn’t get unplugged again.  Yes, my car has a gas aspect, but I didn’t by an electric car with a 40 mile range to commute 39 miles each way to use gas.  Just being honest here, I didn’t.  When I looked out at those spots last January 2013 there was hardly anyone there using them? 

Proper Parking Lot Etiquette for EV:

What is Proper Parking Lot Etiquette for EV you ask? It is common courtesy nothing else. If a car is plugged in you check the charging station to see if it is still charging or not.  If it is still charging you walk away and wait your turn.  If you pull into a spot and there are three other cars there and one car is fully charged, one has its charging door open, and a third is still charging proper etiquette would be to park the other car in that has the open door and if they are fully charged.  If they are, then you can plug your car in.  Also, you always, always follow the golden rule “Thou shalt not unplug a car that is charging!”  We all want to get charged.  We all paid a lot of good money to get charged.  We all need to be using a little patience and wait our turn to charge.  In case the Golden Rule was not clear “Thou shalt not unplug a car that is charging!”  It is really just common courtesy, nothing more nothing less.  There is enough power to go around; there are enough hours in the day for us all to get charged.  There should never be a question if a car is charged or not either.  It says it on the charging station.  Right there in plain sight for the entire world to read.  Then you simply just follow the chord to the fully charged car and boom, you can plug your car in.  I have to be honest, if you can’t figure that out, then I really don’t want to be on the road with you. 

Great Parking Lot Etiquette for EV is can be broken down into F.I.F.O.  The first car in a charging spot gets to charge and then they can be the first out.   That is not that hard. I mean really. Practice some common courtesy, and follow good and safe Parking Lot Etiquette for EV’s.


Billy b

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