Saturday, January 9, 2016

Page 9

Book of 2016
- Page 9 - 
It was a long day at the office for Shiner and I today.  I had to go in today and well I didn't want to leave her here alone.  So she went with me.  She was a big hit at the office.  She is a pretty good accountant too.  She really helped me keep things on track.  Now, she is totally wiped out. It was a long day in the office.  Lots to do, I get to do my accounting job, when I am not doing my sales job.  Help is coming so that is good.
The Holiday party was amazing.  It was super nice venue.  The team did a great job putting it together.  It was at the Blackhawk Auto Museum.  Such a nice place.  The food was awesome.  The music was really good as well.  I also found out that I am fortunate enough to go to Sales Club, so I am super lucky I get to go to Kawahai in February.  What a great night!  

I got an iphone 6s too, I need to set it up. 

I don't really have a lot to say today, either.  I think that is becoming a recurring theme isn't it?  Just tired.  Ready for a break.  February can't get here soon enough I guess. Tomorrow will be another day.  By monday I will be off the sugar again.  

Just have to keep flipping the pages until we get to the next chapter.  

just keep flipping away.  


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