Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Page 12

Book of 2016
- Page12-
Sometimes in my mind it is hard to remember a good day from a bad day.  Part of me wants to be bitter and be angry and let everyone around me know it.  I want them to feel the pain and disappointment I feel.  Even on good days there is some aspect of this anger and bitterness.  However, I don't want to be that bitter person.  I don't want to be someone who people don't want to be around if everything isn't perfect.  I don't want people to be like or stay away from Billy b today b/c he i sin one of his moods.  I have worked to hard and to long for that.  So, how do I do it.  How do I change the mindset.  How do I attract more good things to me by giving off positive energy.  I have long known I need to change my approach to change the outcomes.   I need to harness the positives and forget the negatives and use the disappointments to help motivate myself to accomplish my goals.  It has long been time for a change.  I have to accept who I am and what I do.  I have focus on being the person I want to be.  

As of today I accept myself. 

Good things deserve to happen to me. 

I am the creation of my own positive energy.

I deserve this.  

Push on.  Push forward and don't let go and don't stop.  

Never stop believing in what you want or your dream and build a positive state of mind, to build the life you want. 

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