Sunday, January 31, 2016

Page 31

Book of 2016
"Page 31"

Got a bug up my ass today and decided it was time to have a shot of wheat grass.  I got one for me and Rachel.
I wanted her to get this in film bc I assumed my face would be priceless as I puckered up in disgust!
To my surprise it wasn't bad.  Also, I was told at whole foods this am I looked homeless.  I wanted to go out side and see if anyone would give me cash in a cup.  I wasn't allowed to do this.
Oh!  That is where I put my trash bags!  WTF I must have been tired when I did that.  Looked everywhere for ten yesterday.
Helping Rachel get jumped started on Paleo today.  We decided to make 4 different things.  Sorry David I'll feed you next week.  I feel bad.  I should have doubled everything.
we made a nice beef and broccoli it called for apples.  
And carrots.
Also, mixed up some soup.  Butternut squash!

Then it was chili time!

Back to the broccoli beef.
Did I tell you that I also whipped up some  chicken, pumpkin, and curry.

At one point I had 4 crock pots going.  

Chili and Broccoli beef chilling after 6 hours in the crock pot.
I also fried up some bacon.  It goes with my soup!

I puréed some soup.

Then I needed to have some dinner.  So I whipped up a pizza.
Pizza is done!  Paleo style!

Good ready for the week, all ready to go!

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