Saturday, January 2, 2016

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The Book of 2016
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I remember the moment when I decided this was not how my story was going to be.  I wish I could have said it was when I was walking out the barn with Robby and Bobby have they had taken down a deer and I was struggling to not only keep up but not have a labored breath.  Walking anywhere at more than a shuffle seems to put me into labored breathing.  No it was sometime after when I saw this picture.  I wish I could blow this up like I can on my phone.   Doesn't look so good, the quality and the man in the photo

I look at that picture and I said that is one of my work outfits right now and look how bad I look in it.  I go to work everyday in very similar cloths.  Change the pants color and the golf shirt color but over all that is what I wear and I just can't over just how bad I look.  I decided looking at this photo on my sister in laws phone that I would not accept this.  That I would not end my story this way.  This is the person I am meant to be.  I know that is what I said when I came out guns a blazing with the buddy system to begin with.  I made so many steps forward last year, only to fizzle at the end of the year.  Where there reasons, sure, did I have a lot on my plate, sure, but at the end of the day, I just lost my way.  

However, as the picture above says "This is not how my story ends!"  It won't be.  I am capable of great things, and I know it.  I have seen it.  I have walked so many miles, swam so many laps, and road so many routes.  I can do this, and I will.  I started my new story yesterday and followed up again today.

I didn't get up and walk like I said I was going to.  I was just so tired, I slept until 7:30 and I had a meeting at 8:30 and I did make it to that on time:

I was cold and it was a very serious selfie.  

I sat and I listened.  I tried to interject.  I contributed a few times.  I am glad I went and I will be going back next week. I like the leader.  She is funny and charming.  Although, it was just me and a bunch of blue hairs.  Although, I did bump into one of them at the store and she recognized me and said hi and it made me smile.  I liked being able to find some fellowship.  Which is what I was looking for.  

I came home and went for my walk.  it was a mile job.  just over 20 minutes.  My feet hurt.  Stupid shoes.  I have those pull string things in them and they are to tight.  I have to change those tonight, so tomorrows walk I don't have feet issues.  

Then I went to the store and got the goods.  I got me a 5 lbs piggy to put int he crock pot.  I got some meats for chili.  I got some fruits and I am going to put a little big in the pot before I go to bed.  I haven't had this piggy for a while so it will be good.  

Today was a great day! Tomorrow is going to be even better!!!!

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