Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Page 20

Book of 2016
- Page 20-
What is there to say about Day 20?  It was an interesting day.  I got up I did my sayings into the mirror and then I went to work and listened to my book.  The book is called Self-Esteem and it is very soothing.  It calms me. I started to feel better and better about myself.   I think that is essential b/c if feel better about myself then I can treat myself well.  Then I can really start the healing process.  I have a long row to how.  I will get there I know it.  I have to start walking and swimming again.  Counting my points and eating right.  These things will come.  I wish I knew how to flip the switch.   How I can I change my life.  I think that believing in myself will be key.  i can do this!  I will do this!!  I will find my way.  I always to.  I am rambling again.  I have to get better at writing these blogs. I shouldn't try to stick it in at the end of the night.  

I just have to keep saying and believing:
"I accept myself unconditionally right now."  
"I accept myself unconditionally right now."  
"I accept myself unconditionally right now." 


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