Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Page 27

Book of 2016
- Page 27 -
Things not to eat before you are giving a presentation to Sales!
As the title so daftly describes this blog is going to be about what I shouldn't have eaten before I did a presentation with sales.  While there are certainly arguments to be made that I shouldn't have eaten anything before my presentation because I am such a well known slob that I drop everything on me.  Was it not just the other day when and employee ripped on me by saying what shirt don't you have that doesn't have ketchup stains on it.  I was damn, that is pretty harsh.  Then I thought about it and I was like well if the show fits wear it.
So why on either did I think it was a good idea today to eat a burrito bowl from Chipotle that had rice, sour cream, guac, and beans in it?  Don't know? Neither do I.  If you look at the picture you can see at least 4 wet spots where I had to whip myself down with shout whips.  The issue was with each bit, i just kept dropping more and more on me.  I went thru a total of three, yes three shout whips well I was eating lunch today.  Each time I got jut a little bit more on.  I had so much shout on my shirt that it looked like I spilled water all over myself.  
thank goodness for shout!  It totally took the stains out and when I went to my presentation you couldn't see the spots anymore.  YAY!  
I have presenting in front of people.   I am so bad at it.  I got thru it, I feel like we did a really good job.  However, our material is so borrowing.  Who wants to learn about process.  UGGG.... Anyway, I give it a 6 or 7 out of 10. I was lucky Chrissy was with me b/c she was solid up there. I think we tag teamed it pretty well. I think we flowed well. I don't know. Not bad for our first time together with no practice.  =)
Back to work. 

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