Thursday, January 28, 2016

Page 28

Book of 16
Page 28

Another day.  A good day?  A bad day? Just another day? Look I got a stain on my shirt, again.  Nothing to report.  Same shit different day.  Keep doing the same dumbass thing over and over again.  This time will be different.  This time never really is.

Do dreams tell us what we can't see for ourselves?  Do they tell us it's time to let go?  Time to move on?  What does it mean when a bad dream haunts you all day long?  That it effects your mood and distracts from your learning.  What's in dreams anyway?  It haunts my thoughts. It haunts my soul.  Letting is something I've never been good at.  But the time for moving along has long since passed.  This is the way of things.  Can't look back, only look ahead.  Find your way.  Find your path.  Fuck how it haunts me though.  It dances in my mind.  Push it away and learn from it.  Follow your path down the beam.  Move on?  Moving on

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