Friday, January 15, 2016

Page 15

 Book of 2016
- Page15-
Nothing to say.  It is a lie, I have lots of things I want to say, but sitting here on a Friday afternoon, I don't think there is anything I really want to say. 
I tried to find an old story and pass it off as a new one but I couldn't find any online.   i did fine this from 2005.  Lol... my how very few things have changed and how so many have in 10 years...   you ever wonder if you have spent your entire life chasing the wrong thing?  I think instead of chasing the things below perhaps I should have chased what would have made me happy?  Maybe I should have focused a little more on the person I want to be.  There is time, but the run way is getting narrow. A little bit narrower every day.   However, I am eating better, and I am focusing on the positive.  I think openly talking to my friends about my bitterness has helped.  Telling them when I am moving towards the black also helps. For example I told Chrissy yesterday I was heading for the bitterness, so told me no, and so I didn't got.  Oh well, here is to some old goals and dreams, btw a few of these I actually destroyed, so that makes me happy.  The one constant is the story of a man who keeps wanting to getting healthy or at least telling people he wants to be healthy and how he keeps running himself into road blocs and not doing what he needs to do for himself. 


I want to be the best manager there can be. I want to
be able to give advice and lead people; I want to be
able to help them achieve great things. 

I want to lead by example. I want my team members to
see a positive, and energetic individual who they can
trust and turn to. I want them to see me attack tough
situation and work them through to conclusion, thus
motivating them to do the same.

I want to be the top revenue recognition expert in the
country. I want to know 101, 97-2, and 98-9 like the
back of my hand. I want to be able to think and speak
the language of the accounting provisions so that
others are in awe by my knowledge.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly I want to pursue
my number one hobby with a vengeance. I want to
write, and tell stories, I want to entertain people
and give them hope. I want to be published. 

Ah�I want to take care of myself. I want to be
healthy. I want to count calories precisely. I want
to know more about energy than anyone else I know, and
I want to act on it. I want to live every day of my
live like it is the last, so that every night when I
go to bed, I can smile and I say, I have done it my
way. I want to weigh 200 pounds more than anything in
the world, and now I am ready to work hard to get
there. Not because it will make everything perfect,
but so I can look and the journey and be proud.
and this one followed a few months later, I have no idea waht the hell I was talking about:
This is my goal, my life’s purpose, what I was born to
be.  The three things are in no particular order, as,
I plan on achieving them all together.  Not all at
once, but together for sure.  This journal will be
done in baby steps, and this plan of attach will grow
and change, as I grow and change, but my focus will
remain the same, I want my face on Fortune Magazine,
in a good and positive light, and a excellent leader
and a brilliant creator.  

1. Be a strong business leader: someone who can take
charge of a company and lead it to glory.  I want my
face on Fortune Magazine, like my new hero Steve Jobs,
whom I think is the most spectacular person in the
a. Steve Jobs – I will learn everything about him and
try to mimic his life, so that I can a great leader
b. Be the best Revenue Manager I can be
i. Study People, what motivates them and what drives
ii. Learn all I can about Revenue Recognition.
1. Engage in Conversation that makes me uncomfortable
because I don’t know the answers.  Talk with People
who know the industry and what it has to offer.
2. Read from PwC’s book of Revenue once a week, until
I have it down like the back of my hand.

iii. Learn all I can about three companies, so I can
start t engage in business conversations, also, I can
pick up on the language of business.
1. NetIQ
2. EMC
3. Apple
iv. Positive Mental Attitude 
1. Use Napoleon Hill’s “Keys to Success” to help me
build my PMA.
2. Use Jon Gordon’s “Energy Addict” to gain energy to
be enthusiastic, and inspirational.
v. Meet and beat Deadlines
c. Get promoted to Director in two years.
d. Be a VP of Finance by the time I am 35 years old.     

2. Create my “Project”  Project was the term Chris
Charter (Creator of X-files) used to refer to his
a. Read Fiction 7 hours a week.
b. Write for 7 hours a week
c. Face my inter-most fears and over come them, so I
can stop using them as an excuse for not doing what I
am born to do.
d. Believe that I can achieve my creative dreams

3. Have a sculpted and energy efficient body that
other envy:
a. Be an Energy Addict!
i. Learn all I can about energy, study it and its
positive benefits on the sole.
ii. Eat healthy
1. Count calories; record everyone, even the small
handful of M&M’s or that BBQ for your chicken.  Yes,
your sub conscience is watching.
2. Eat five meals a day.
3. Drink 96 ounces of water a day.
4. Learn about nutrition and the effects of a positive

iii. Work out
1. Twice a week with my Energy Guide – Omar Lima of
2. 3 times a week on my own.  I must step up and do my
part.  Five times a week.  Work out five times a week,
it has to be second nature like breathing.
3. 45 minutes a day.  That is the amount of time I
will walk each day.  
4. 100 is the number of set-ups before bed and when I
wake up, no one can maintain a healthy lifestyle
without a strong core.
5. Settle into a routine.
6. Love Life, smile, and be happy.
a. Do what you love
i. Write
ii. Read
iii. Play Guitar
1. Find Lessons, perhaps a group class for adults.
iv. Walk in Nature – the beach, trees, out doors.
v. Meditate
1. Find a class,
2. Read the book you bought on it.

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