Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Page 13

 Book of 2016
- Page13-
It is tough to change your mindset.  Sometimes things hurt even when you don't want them too.  Sometimes even when you get recognition, it is not always enough.  Sometimes, we just can't help but to buy into the bitter. 

The question has to be and become do you want to buy into it? Do you want to walk around being a grumpy Gus, that no-one can talk to for days because you are putting up walls.  Its really not cool when you do that to people you have been in the trenches with for a long.  People see it and feel it.  They know something is bothering you but you are all to happy to turn your head and say it is nothing, but to go down further and further into your own pit of angry and bitterness. 

So, that was one of the central topics of my visit to see Sue today.  It was one of the things I have been trying to find out how to do.  How do you not accept the negative and only work on and accept the positive aspects of your life?  How do you stay focused on the good things you have going when every part of your body wants to pull you into the blackness of your own mind and heart?

I don't know the answers.  I wish I did, but I don't.  No one can flip that switch for your.  No advice can push you into making the changes you want to make or say you want to make.  All the therapy in the world hasn't made me any thinner.  I know I have been to and missed a lot of sessions over the years. 

I go back to how I was successful in the summer of 2003 and the winter of 2015 and I noted a few things that pushed me forward. The first was finding fellowship.  In 2003 it was a weight watchers meeting at work.  i made some really good friends in that class.  I wonder if some folks even remember that?  Then last year it was this blog.  Me sharing things and what I was doing good for myself helped me achieve what I wanted.  The other thing was always find a positive path.  Focusing on the good things i I was doing and not letting the bad wash over me and take control.  More than anything I think it is really the positive state of mind and the feeling that i had about myself that pushed further than any food I was or was not eating, any meetings, I did or did not attend, etc etc... When you love yourself and want to do good things for yourself you take care of yourself.  

I have been trying lately to fill myself with more good than bad.  It is not always easy. I have looked at old photos and said that is where and how I want to be again.  I have meditated on this.  I go to bed with positive images of myself living the life I want to lead.  I am hungry for articles on self help and little sayings on facebook and the world wide web to find things to help me move towards the light. 
Think Positive!  Be Positive! And Positive Thing will Happen!

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