Sunday, January 17, 2016

Page 17

  Book of 2016
- Page17-

I am not going to lie, I might feeling a bit hung over today.  Which is strange coming from a man who used to be able to down a fifth of whiskey.  However, these days I am teetotaler and a few glasses did me in.  
The dinner was a great time.  I had a lot of fun.  I really did enjoy the wine and conversation.  Part of the conversation turn to feeling better about myself and gaining confidence.  During the conversation I recalled a challenge that I started and never finished and one I need to get back too. 
Dr. Christiane Northrup has a challenge I first learned about for in Hungry for Change.  Her Challenge or mantra is to look in the mirror twice a day and repeat "I accept myself unconditionally right now."  

Tonight I am going to start this challenge again and do it for twice a day for 30 days.  I think it is imperative that I start taking control of my fight.  I have to start being and acting like the person I want to be.  It is time to change.  It is time to step up.  I have to become the person I was born to be.  I have to believe in my heart and in my mind that I can change, that I deserve to change and I wil change.  I to believe in the person I want to be, the person I can be, the person that I am. 

So, I start now "I accept myself unconditionally right now."  
"I accept myself unconditionally right now."  
"I accept myself unconditionally right now."  

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