Saturday, January 16, 2016

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 Almond Butter Pumpkin Muffins
 Book of 2016
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Today was a busy day so far.  The papers in the above picture are a glimpse of the recipes I shopped for and started preparing for this afternoon.  Then of course I had another playoff disappointment as Tom Brady and the Pats won again.  I have spent the better half of the 14 years rooting against the Pats in the playoff.  It is sad that I enjoy the Pats losing almost as much as I do the Colts winning.  Oh well, I am hoping now that if St Peyton can't get it done, I mean I hate the Bronco's but would love to see him go out a winner.  Ok, enough football chat for now.  

I made some Almond Butter Pumpkin Muffins today.  It was the first time I have ever tried an muffin that was not blueberry.  Wait did I make a chocolate chip muffin once upon a time? I can't recall.  the batter didn't seem to turn out to well, but the muffins were made.  I think there is a pinch to much of nutmeg in them. 
After making muffins David stopped by so that we could wrap our meat.  Hmmm... that doesn't sound right.  We seasoned the two types of pork I am cooking tomorrow.  then we wrapped the meat in cling wrap and thru it in the fridge over night.  I will slow cook each tomorrow for about 8 hour each tomorrow.  
One is a pineapple country ribs and the other one is a paleo pulled pork, which lead me to making some tangy Paleo BBQ sauce. 
 Now  I am going to get in the shower and get ready.  It is a Saturday night and I actually have some plans!  It doesn't happen very often, but every now and again.  Although, I wonder if I will get to see the end of the Packers/Cards game before I go.  Not looking good but that is ok.  I need to get out of the house.  

Tomorrow is a day of rest, football, and cooking, oh ya and baking.  

I have to get back out to walking.  I have been a suck ass.  Even with the puppy here, I have been a total slacker.  I am feeling good about having 5000 steps today but honestly that sux.  i have to get to at least 10,000 a day.  

I need to get back to the pool.  I have lots of things that I need to do.  

My blogs have been lame lately.  However, my imagination has still been off lately.  I am just not dreaming like I used too.

I finished the Walking Dead last night.  Or the first 5 season on Netflix.  I love that show.  I think it really captures one of my favorite themes and the is fall of man when anarchy ensues.  I could into an rant here about how man is inherently and animal and without rule of law we become savage and act like a much lower life form.  i think TWD really shows this well.  It might show it better than the Stand does.  
Who knows maybe on to Breaking Bad or the Wire now. Although,  i heard the staircase documentary was awesome and is on Prime, so maybe that is next.  Although after Making a Murderer and TWD maybe I should stay away from murder and mayhem for a while.  
Well.. that is all I got for now... I am sure I will be back tomorrow with more tales of amazement.......  

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