The Book of 2016
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I saw this yesterday on Facebook and I knew it was how I needed to start the New Year.
2015 was a year that was blessed with highlights but also crowned with low lights. I could sit here and tell you about some of the high points like hiring Chrissy, who has become not only a great employee but a better friend, or I could tell you about how much I love Star Wars, but 4 viewing in 8 days should speak for itself.
I could talk about being able to seat belt myself into the rental car in Hawaii, I could talk about my cooking and my smoker and all the progress I made taking care of myself
I could talk about find a great TV show like the Walking Dead, or how awesome the Marvel Movies are still doing.
I can look to the failures I endured during the year
Like failing to get into jeans in 2015... I could talk about the mistake of seeing a Dr. who I let talk me about of doing paleo diet. Who put me a medication that would cost m over 1,000 per month if I took it on my own. I could but over the course of a year aren't there as many of failures as there are as wins? Can one not look back and say they needed to fail only to understand the pleasure of winning
For the first time here I could talk about for the first time I can talk about the man who brought me into this world and who was suppose to indestructible getting sick and having at least 6 procedures in as many months, with the latest being on the 30th of December. I could talk about the cloud that has cast over my life and the subsequent fall out on the family a sick patriarch has had. I could... However, i won't, all I will say is finally today the oncologist tell us today that he didn't think it was cancer. That was a relief and was the first huge win of 2016!!
These are all the things I could talk about. These are all the things and so many more were the stories of 2015, but 2015 is gone you can be sad about the people you did or didn't get to see in that year or the good things that did or did not happen. Because that is starting out on the wrong page. That is starting out looking back.
January 1, 2016 is no time to look backwards. It is time to look forward. It is time to write a new book with a new story, a story that will ultimately be my life, my success, and my well being. 2016 is the year I continued to fight and take care of myself. It is my 40th year on this spinning rock. It is a time of convergence in which I now only do what is best for me. We start that here and now on page one. Page 1 we say thanks for what we learned in 2015 and how stoked we are to be in 2016. We look forward and remember what my journey is all about and what I need to do.
this is my life and my time. It is time to accept what and who I am. On day 1 and page 1 was a day of rest and reflection, naps, and football. Most of all it was a GREAT, GREAT, start to a new year. A cancer free one for my Dad and all I can do is smile over that.
My life, my time... Page 1 is almost over and it is a great day! I don't know what Page 2 will bring... I know it will start with a walk, a trip to the store, and buying a big chunk of meat. I know it will be the rise of the Paleo diet in my house once again. Thanks Chrissy for the 30 minute cook book, it will be used. It will also start with an 8:30 weight watcher meeting, I must meet like minded people who are on the same mission as me. Get healthy and celebrate a long and healthy life and most importantly make sure the the book of 2016 reads like a classic life that everyone else will be jealous of!
................................ And the TOWER is closer.........................................
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