Thursday, January 14, 2016

Page 14


 Book of 2016
- Page14-
Slow, but surely I am making small changes. One thing I started doing this week, which, I know is going to sound really stupid. I have a terrible time getting home each night.  I leave the office with the best of intentions.  However, a lot of nights in between Dublin and San Jose I talk myself out of getting home and eating what I cooked and hitting the drive thru.  Most of the time I talk myself into going to the drive thru instead of a whole foods, or a trader joe's it is b/c I don't want to get out of my car.  So, what I what I started to do so I can't go thru the drive thru is put my wallet in my work bag.  I then put the bag in the back of the car so I can't reach it from the driver seat.  That way I can't go to the drive thru, b/c i can't get to my wallet and thus an eating debacle is avoided and now I realize how bad this blog is.  It is a good technique but one that should probably be kept to myself.  Anyway.. that is day 14 in a nut shell.

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