Thursday, July 31, 2014

Things I am learning as I grow up, so I can find the love I deserve and live the life I want (Part 4)

When she is happy a quarter-moon will rise on her.  That moon can light up the darkest night sky.  Everything is brighter when she smiles.  When the moon rises you can see it touching in her pale blue bombardier eyes.  I had never seen eyes that pale shade of blue until I met her.  He had read about them, but never really seen them though.  Her face is beautiful anyway, but those faded eyes make it exotic.  She is smiling now.  Standing here on the beach looking back at him as he makes some comment about getting ready for her race.  140.6 can’t possibly easy and he is doing everything he can do to distract her from thinking about going the ultimate distance  she is doing one more time.  No matter how many times she has done the distance.  One more time still will not be easy and he knows how nervous she can get. 

He is staring into her smiling pale blue eyes and she pulls her wavy her shoulder length hair behind her head into a gold brown pony tail.  It makes him giggle a little bit looking at her on this beach.  If his former co-workers could see him know, with the women he loves.  She is the exact replicant of what he always said he wanted.   She has blonde hair, blue eyes, and an ass that tastes like French vanilla ice cream, isn’t’ that what Christian Slater had said in True Romance?  He had always had a soft spot for blondes, and she was not an exception. 
He squatted down almost touching the sand.  He reached out and grabbed her left ankle and pulled towards him.  He spent a moment admiring her red tattoo of the dot-m logo.  That tattoo that so few people actually earned.  His legs were free of this symbol.  That would come to an end, his race was coming, and his tower was closer. 

Feeling her leg he looked up at her and met those pale eyes.  She read the question in his before he ever asked.  Yes, she had shaved her legs before coming to the beach at 5 a.m.  He didn’t even shower before doing a race, and she had showered and primped beforehand.    He just laughed.  They were such different creatures. 
He felt her ankle and calf for a moment.  He did love her legs.  They were perfect.  The best pair of legs he had ever seen.  Those legs were the perfect blend between firm and smooth.  If they wanted a model to Aphrodite’s leg after mire mortal, then they would use her legs.  From toe to hip, the only blemishes on them where the dessert rose tattoo on her right hip and the ironman (Dot-M) tattoo on the left ankle.  Soft and smooth to the touch, and tanned a perfect golden brown.  He strapped the timing chip firmly around her left ankle and then stood up. 

She would be pulling her shorty wet suite up over her six-pack and C cups at any time.  He was always so impressed by her body.  He knew that being a triathlon coach and a nutritionist played a large role in her magical body.  It also was militant dedication and being active and healthy which drove her to try to look as perfect as she could.  He would have to go soon.  Soon she would be chasing number six. 
He pulled her close to him and hugged her tightly.  He loved this woman with all of his heart.  It had been hard for him to trust at first, he been hurt before.  He had tried to push here away but she wouldn’t go.  She was written into his KA for whatever reason.  He would worry about her every minute she was out on the course.  This was the third one they had done with him supporting her. 

He pulled back and looked into her eyes and wondered how he had gotten so lucky.  How on earth was there a woman this perfect for him?  Her looks weren’t what made her beautiful.  They were amazing, but she was the most giving women he had ever met.  She was funny and she could be keep up with his smartassery.  Most of all she liked him.  She liked, no that is not right, loved his stories.  All of his stories even the dark ones that were heart tearing and torching.  It also didn’t hurt that at heart she was a fucking nerd.  She loved the big four: Dark Tower Series, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Song of Ice and Fire.  She may be more into those things than he was.  They spoke of holy mythologies at length and how they impacted his mythos.
She approved of his truck driver mouth.  She said fuck almost as much as he did.  It did not matter whether it was day to day operations or being intimate.  The word was really never far from their tongues.  He really liked that.  He didn’t have to ever feel bad about using the full English language.

She was everything he had always wanted.  She was healthy.  She was a triathlete.  She was smart.  She was funny.  She had a dirty mouth.  She was pretty.  She was tone.  She has a dirty mind that matched his.  She love sci-fi.  She loved fiction.  She loved to sleep in.  She loved to talk late into the night.  She was everything he ever wanted. 
She is Arlene Piper and doesn’t exist.  She is a figment of my imagination.  She was born from Laura Carr the 1986 Playmate who used to date RATT’s lead guitarist and everything I have ever wanted in a woman.  She is built of the things on a checklist to find the perfect women to spend my life with.

I take you through this journey to say a few things.  First the list of above I have to let go of because it I think it is putting tunnel vision on.  Second, if those are the expectations for one part of my ideal life, what do you think the other expectation of the perfect life would be?  Pretty unachievable, right, so say “Si” and some say “No”.
I am not saying not to dream big.  I would never say such a thing.  I don’t believe there is a limit to be put on your dreams other than the universe itself being the only limiting factor.  What I am saying is we have to stop going through life with such lofty expectations. 

I can’t basically feel like I don’t have a good life because I am not a perfect person, with my perfect women.  I have wasted too much time haven’t I?  I said it a few weeks ago in Sugar and Cyanide 1, I am really sick of complaining about what is a beautiful life.  I look at yesterday’s entry and I have so much love around me, why would I not want to live this life?  I have so many good friends that love and support me.  Then I have the little ones, whom I hold so dear.  I have a good job.  I am very talented writer.  Even more so when I don’t do a rush job and take my time to do really good work. 
Am I still really fat?  Yes I am.  Am I working on it from my mind, to my heart, and from my heart to my soul.  Mostly am re-inventing all of me.  Not just one part, but all parts because all parts must be considered.  So let’s go back to the question am I still really fat, and the answer yes I am.  Even with that being said, am I better than I was a year ago.  Am I better now that I have the Buddy System?  Yes, yes I am.  To I still fall down.  Do I still get depressed, yes, I do, but I recover faster.  I have good days, I have bad days, but each new day I believe will be my best day.  So, I say we have to let go of unreal expectations.  Focus on where we are right now and enjoy our life today.  All we can ever do is live in the current moment.  So every day I am getting just a little bit better than before.    So I am embracing the life I have now.  Realizing the love in my life and not putting any blinders on to keep me from going where I want to go. 

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