Friday, July 4, 2014

DAY 1: JULY 4TH WEEKEND - 3 days of two a days - 1225 YARD SWIM AND HALF HOUR WALK

I could sit here today and tell you how the last week has  been hard.  That i was tired and worn out, and i slipped.  I feel off the wagon.  I could sit here and do that but I won't.  Because I know my path isn't a straight-line.  I know my path has ups and downs and strikes and gutters.  I am tired of talking about the bad shit.

The world is changing.  Can't you feel it?  Can you hear it in my words?  Can you feel it?

I am undertaking to very serious things right now.  3 day weekend.  Hmm, shit I am all right with that.  That means three days of working out twice, I am going to do a walk and swim each day.  Maybe or maybe not in that order.

I have to admit for the first time since December my free-style felt awesome today.  Perhaps, it is because for the first time since December  I swim with a purpose.  After all I got the call to be a swimming ringer, therefore, I have to be ready.  Tomorrow the free-style will be again... and if it isn't, I will lie and say it is :)

Each walk I have done this month, I have averaged under a 20 minute mile.... since i started my journey 10 weeks ago I have walked 78.29 miles for a total of 28 hours... I would say not to bad Mr. b, not to bad at all!

Tomorrow we are doing a 90 minutes walk in the a.m.  Then we will head over to the pool around 5 isn after the brats leave it and do another 1225... i am thinking there will be at least 400 pulling... and perhaps some kicking.  We are going to build it up slow and right just like we did with the walking.

Look out PG, I am coming for you and your kelp and I will make you my bitch!

I hope your all having a wonderful 4th of July!  Take care and have good Fire Works Tonight!!!!

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