Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Have you ever seen a stack dominos fall?  When they fall they fall fast.  Soon as the first one goes it is only a matter of time until the last one is down.   It is fast like greased lightning.  Things that get built and take time to build inevitably and eventually topple.  It could be dominos, a game of Jegna, or even a house of cards.  It really doesn’t matter once the collapse starts you just sit back and watch the wheels come off.  Ashes, ashes we all fall down.   Cracks in a foundation can only be concealed for so long.  Sooner or later we all fall down, ashes, ashes, we all fall down.

You can’t stop the world from changing.  No more than you can stop the sun from setting.  The wind from blowing thru trees or stop water from being wet, or the sky being blue, that is just what happens.  Life is made up of moments.  However, those moments sooner or later have to fade.  Sooner or later the first domino will fall, ashes, ashes, we all fall down. 
Much like you don’t have the ability to stop the world from changing, you can’t possibly stop time from passing.  You can’t wish for a date to come and go, just because you think somehow being on the other side of it will make things easier.  You can’t bury your head in the sand and act like life isn’t happening just because you want the clock to move faster.  Sooner or later the right piece will be pulled out and your tower leading to the sky will fall, ashes, ashes, we all fall down.

The wheel of KA continues to turn.  It pushes you and pulls you in directions you never wanted to go in.  To places you thought were long forgot.  You realize the world that you have built for yourself it flimsy and weak.  That a mire blow of the wind can knock you over and you realize it is none of the stuff you found I the rabbit hole that make you realize your world is weak.  Rather it’s the fact you have not grown and nurtured your world.  You lost sight of the things that make you smile.  That makes you laugh.  You limited your scope to what he or she thought.  So your foundation is not sturdy.  It is cracked.  KA, as KA always does show you what you need to see.  It shows you that if you don’t reinforce your desires, believes, and view of self you can be swept away and fall like a house of cards.  Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.    
Where does that leave us?  What are we left with?  Do sit here and fear the world spinning, spinning free?  Do we sit here and hope that time will pass us by?  We tried that once.  It was called becoming 470 lbs.  Guess, what, life finds a way.  It always finds a way.  I think we go back to our roots.  We stop looking exploring the rabbit hole, and we start climbing out.  Whatever is in the rabbit hole is in the rabbit hole.  We are a jerk, we are a monster, and we can be evil.  That is all part of the human condition.  We are beautifully flawed.  As I told Sue last time I saw her and again today, there is evil in me, and it doesn’t sleep.  She agreed, but she also said, I am not a victim of it.  We all have it.  It is in each and every one of us.  So even though there is evil, there is also good.  Lots of good, and over time the good has started to dwarf the bad.  The good does.  My heart is not pure, but my heart is good.  So, as I sit here and watch the world crumble around me and I watch time march on.  I sit here with hope.  Knowing my time and place is coming.  That there is nothing left to learn in the rabbit hole.  That is time to climb out.  I can’t be scared to get to the top and get back out of the hole.  Because no matter what, sooner or later, I will fall again, because ashes, ashes, we all fall down, just like that first domino and the last we all fall down.   Ashes, ashes we all fall down.

However, we fall down so we can learn to get back up, and dominos aren’t that lucky. 

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