Sunday, July 13, 2014

How do you follow up a great walk? You do a great swim!!!

I am exhausted.  Really I am.  I never knew cleaning out every square inch of the kitchen could be that hard of work and there was a trio of us working on it.  Well, Shiner is more of our mascot.  She just lays there and watches me and RG do all the work, which is funny, because a lot of the time I lay with Shiner and I to watch RG do all the work.   Does that make me a mascot?  I don't know.  The truth is that any day where I spend more time on my legs is hard work for me.  I mean after all, I am a big dude right.  So standing is effort.  Cleaning is effort.  So standing and cleaning really suck.  It doesn't help that my legs were really tired from yesterdays walk either.  It was hard and I pushed myself really, really hard.   I think I already told you about that.

I actually feel a little guilty right now because I am sitting at the computer and getting ready to go back into the kitchen to finish the cleaning.  I know I should be out there walking.  I also know that I need to find balance.  Let's not kid ourselves.  I am walking for two.  I am cleaning for two, and I am swimming for two.  So, lets just take this one day at a time.  I have nothing to feel bad about.  I just got back from a 51 minute swim, in which I really pushed myself hard.  I know because I was sucking for air on each end of the pool and on the way to each end of the pool.  That doesn't happen when I am in complacent, let's just move our body a little bit mode.

I have been pushing.  So I followed up my great walk yesterday with a great swim today. I swam 1300 yards in 51 minutes.   That isn't to bad, not to bad at all.  That is 100 more yards than last weekend in the same time.  I did a decent set:

- 100 Easy Swim
- 12 x 25 - alternating free and boob each length of the pool.
- 2 x 100 Free @ hard pace
- 50 Boob
- 2 x 100 Free Kick @ hard pace
- 400 Free pull (fuck it hurt, my arms are dead)
- 50 Boob - easy

Not a bad set at all.  I have to get to the pool more this week, but I have to balance it with my walking.  I want to work out two hours a day.  I just wonder if I have the energy for it.  I mean i am not going to lie I am pushing really hard and have been pretty tired lately.

I don't know what the right answer is.  All, I can do is keep on keeping on.   Keep moving forward.  Keep making each day of my life matter.  Trying to be the best Billy b I can be.

Have a great evening, hope you weekend was as good and productive as mine and lets kick some ass going into another week!

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